Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I made...

A BOOK! Well kind of. It has no cover, or content, but it does have a title an author and an isbn number. Exciting? This way I only have to make 1 handwritten  copy.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I got the background for This Bites today, thanks to my friend Larry. I am also starting to realize how hard it is to update a blog EVERYDAY, it sucks when you get to like 11 pm then you realize you haven't even started writing for today. Also, the cliff hangers in my post ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! I like cliff hangers. Books (and yes I still do consider This Bites a book) are supposed to make you think. You are supposed to infer what is going to happen next based on what you just read. That is the fun of it.

Regarding if This Bites will ever be a book:

The answer is yes, but at the same time no. I am never going to get This Bites published; it is simply not worth it to me. I will; however, be selling hand written copies of This Bites when I am finished. They will be written in a notebook which I will damage and make look real. Along with the book (if you decide to order one) I will send a typed and printed version, because let’s be honest no one can read my hand writing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Update Número Dos

I do not plan on updating this blog on a regular basis, that being said today's post is necessary. After all, I do need somewhere to bitch and complain. Today's post on This Bites almost didn't happen. There are many reason for this, well only three to be honest. The first one is my laziness, I didn't feel like writing today. The second reason today's blog almost wasn't is because someone was yelling at me to hurry up and get ready to go the whole time I was writing. Because of this I cut today's post short. The third reason is because I accidentally erased it, luckily I copied it before so all I had to do was hit paste.


I have decided to include with each post a scan of how it would have appeared in book form. These will not be included until later in the week.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1st Update! (Word)

So today is the second day of 'This Bites'. I really did not expect as many people to like it as did. I could not be more pleased with the reception This Bites has got. Another major update is I GOT A BANNER FOR MY BLOG! I cannot express how much I love it and I am very thankful to Larry Mattix (one of my favorite people since 5th grade) for making it. Also I would like to encourage any fan art (or fan signs lol) that anyone would like to make. If you make it and email it to me at and I will more than likely post it on this blog and make happy faces like this '=]'. I hope you have a wonderful day and that you check my other blog daily (You should probably check this one weekly).

WAIT! Why another blog?!

There are many reasons I wanted to do another blog. The main of which is the way I write you think you know what I am talking about but you really don't. Instead of being an asshole I decided to make this blog to explain the other blog. Another reason for this blog is because I may want to make comments about my other blog 'This Bites'  but I do not want to post it on my original blog page. I want the other blog page to be the characters words (no he does not have a name and as far as I know never will) and this blog to be MY words.

-Austin Atrocious